Dementia Care Asia News and Updates

IDCA received a request by e-mail from the Japan Foundation on Friday, September 15 to answer a survey link as part of the foundation's objective to promote cultural exchange by supporting Japanese Language learning. Specifically, the survey aimed to understand and evaluate the current state of Japanese Language education in the Philippines. The questionnaire was comprehensive looking at issues on the school and teachers side and on the learners side. IDCA has a faculty of 12 full/part time qualified Japanese Language teachers with two teaching assistants. The mission of IDCA is to make Elderly and Dementia Care a noble career for healthcare professionals wherever in the world they want to be. Hence, the challenge for IDCA is to develop its faculty in the area of Japanese Language in Caregiving (and in other languages) with special focus on Elderly and Dementia Care. We look forward to the results of this survey by the Japanese Foundation and the recommendations and support that will come out of it.